Black Sheep Productions - Vitalize! Examples
Sheep vs Gravity
Sheep vs Gravity

Web Invaders
Web Invaders

Defenderoid Demo

3D Maze
3D Maze

Web Invaders - By: Russ Horton
Use your joystick to control the base, button to fire or use the ">" and "<" keys to move, "Shift" to fire
     Here's an example of what you can do with Click & Create plus the Vitalize! plug-in. This game is only 46k in size. It's easy to create fast, entertaining and band-width friendly modules for your web pages.

The executable version is available if you'd like to see how the game was done. Download (295,215 bytes) for Windowstm
Vitalize! Logo You can get the plug-in from and vitalize your web site today.

You can also check out the Web Invaders High Scores. Think you can do better?

Please send comments, bug reports, etc. to
Copyright © 1997-1999 Russ Horton. All rights reserved.