Welcome to Black Sheep Productions
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Sheep vs Gravity

Web Invaders
Web Invaders

Defenderoid Demo

3D Maze
3D Maze

This is a demo of a game I am working on. I'm making it for fun and education. The demo focuses on gameplay 'cause if that sucks, it doesn't matter how pretty a game you've made - it'll still suck. Currently I have a crack-shot alien chasing your ship around, a rudimentary scanner going and some scrolling stars and landscape. The landscape doesn't wrap around yet, but it gives you the idea of what the final version will play like. I'll polish the graphics afterwards.

Download Defendroid Demo (380,508 bytes) for Windowstm (sorry Mac'ers).

Please send comments, bug reports, etc. to
Copyright © 1997-1999 Russ Horton. All rights reserved.