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Sheep vs Gravity
Sheep vs Gravity

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Sheep vs Gravity
This is a screen saver I made some time ago. It started out fairly harmlessly, as a programming experiment to see if I could simulate gravity and acceleration on balls, making them bounce around in a believable manner. At some point the balls turned into sheep because the bouncing reminded me of those sheep you count just before you fall asleep. I really have no explanation why the final product ended up as it is, except that I find it quite entertaining (that probably have something to do with a childhood spent watching Road Runner cartoons).

Download Sheep vs Gravity 1.08 file (636, 844 bytes, .zip format) for Windowstm (sorry Mac'ers).

Here is the README.TXT file and you can go to www.winzip.com to get the program you need to unzip it.

Version Information:

January 02, 2003
Version 1.08 is out!
  - Finally got some time to create a version with a proper install/de-install.
    I've also tweaked some of the internal settings to reduce the memory usage.

December 30, 1998
Version 1.07
  - Fixed a persistent .ini bug under NT. Now when you change the
    settings in the "sheep.ini" file, they actually stay changed!

February 22, 1998
Version 1.06
  - Fixed music and sound effect bugs
  - Added cool intro screen
  - Changed code so changes to .ini should work for NT users
  - Changed the hard to understand "PileUpLimit" calculation to something easier.
    (That'll be the last time I add a feature at 3:00 am ;-)

September 15, 1997
Version 1.05
  - Added "PileUpLimit" in sheep.ini, tweaked some graphics.

September 4, 1997
Version 1.03 of Sheep vs Gravity is now available. Thanks to everyone who has reported bugs and made suggestions.
  - Fixed "sheep.ini" file so the settings work properly (Thanks Patricia!)
  - Reduced memory requirements
  - There are still no sound effects (I haven't found any that I really like yet)
  - Version 2.0 is in the works, no release date available

June 10, 1997

It's finally released! The world famous "Sheep vs Gravity" screensaver. You've heard all about it, now see Isaac Newton's theories applied to the wonderful woolly world of sheep! You've just got to see this screensaver for yourself...

Please send comments, bug reports, etc. to
Copyright © 1997-1999 Russ Horton. All rights reserved.